Grom Attackec

From Phantasy Star Universe Clementine
Grom-class SUV

SUV laser system. Wipes out enemies w/concentrated fire fr. large-bore photon laser. Maybe. (level 20+)

Item details

  • This unit is a SUV Weapon that can only be equipped by Humans and Newmans level 20 or higher.
  • Grom is a word for thunder in the Bosnian, Serbian, and Slovene languages.

Stats and pricing

SUV data
No. hits 10
ATP mod 2.8
Equippable by Human/Newman
Unit stats
Type Units Mfr. Kubara Sp.
Shock LV4
Rarity 8★ End. 2
Pricing information
Buy price 95000
Sell price 7560
Shop location GRD-GS