Ascension Gift

From Phantasy Star Universe Clementine

SUV artillery system. Calls in artillery fire from a military satellite. (level 20+)

Item details

  • This unit is a SUV Weapon that can only be equipped by CASTs level 20 or higher.
  • Available exclusively at Casino Voloyal for 20.
  • Attacks enemies by dropping random objects on them.
Object Effect Damage ATP Mod
Rappy Sleep LV5 Ignores enemy DFP 18.0
Mushroom Poison LV4 Ignores enemy DFP 13.0
Cosmo Fountain HP Steal LV4 Ignores enemy DFP 20.0
Large Weight Lower ATA/EVP LV4 -- 16.0
Small Weight Boost ATP LV? Restores enemy HP 7.0
  • Both weight attacks feature Opa-Opa from the game "Fantasy Zone".

Stats and pricing

Unit stats
Type Units Mfr. GRM Sp.
Rarity 7★ End. 2
Pricing information
Buy price 22 15
Sell price Cannot be sold
Shop location Casino Voloyal